
An open mind has more to give

The Hospital Museum is a place with healthy ‘mental outlook’: it strives to keep an open mind in an open city and an open region.

While remaining authentic to its past and future, the Hospital Museum secures, studies and develops its collection in a sustainable and accessible way. This rests on the exceptional historical unity and cohesion of the hospice complex, the convent and healthcare collections, the healthcare stories from the site and the world-renowned (family foster) care offered by the city for people with mental health problems.

The museum is also a cultural and social meeting place for the people of Geel and others far beyond the city limits. After all, generosity knows no bounds. In association with the region's many cultural partners the museum is working on a fresh exhibition policy and greater accessibility and outreach. It takes its inspiration from the tangible and intangible heritage of the convent complex, the legend of Saint Dimpna, the tradition of family fostering and the culture of Geel and the Campine area.

The museum shares its expertise with the region in complete openness. Of vital importance here is the well-established mechanism of exchange between the museum staff, the collection, the community and the care institutions. They inspire each other, broaden the base of support and heighten the level of engagement.